ABSTRACT. This publication explores the application of artificialintelligence inhigher education institutions. Various tools for implementing AIin educationalsettings are examined, with examples of successful integration ofdigitaltechnologies in higher education institutions in the United States.Thedrawbacks that need to be considered in the application of AI intheeducational environment are outlined.

KEYWORDS: artificial intelligence, higher education institution,digitaltechnologies, education management system.

I. Introduction
In today's world, artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most discussed andpromising technologies in the world. It is no longer just in our everydaylives, but is also entering the fields of education and science. Artificialintelligence can change our lives, especially in the context of educationaltechnologies. For example, it is becoming an important tool in the developmentof education, providing new opportunities and implementing ideas thatpreviously seemed difficult to implement. Like any technology, AI has itsadvantages and disadvantages when applied, and therefore, studying theexperience of other countries in the field of AI application in highereducation institutions is extremely relevant today.

II. The main part (title)
Digital technologies are entering all spheres of life, transforming traditionalsectors of the economy, education, medicine, and culture [1, p.161]. AI anddigital technologies are helping to blur borders and expand educationalopportunities for students around the world. Intelligent search engines andrecommendation systems are already helping to provide students with theinformation and resources they need to further their education.
In general, artificial intelligence is a field of science that studies thecapabilities of machine learning and programming computer systems to performvarious functions related to data analysis and processing, such as image,speech, text, media processing, etc. Modern AIs use neural networks, machinelearning, and deep learning to analyze and process large amounts of data inreal time. In the educational environment, this allows for the creation ofinnovative solutions, such as intelligent pedagogical platforms that areadapted to the needs of each student.

Educational management information systems are an integrated group ofinformation and documentation services for collecting, storing, processing,analyzing and distributing data for planning and managing the educationalprocess. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms facilitatedata-driven decision-making to improve the educational services provided.
Artificial intelligence systems can also help teachers fulfill their jobresponsibilities: evaluate assignments, provide individualized responses tostudents, assess knowledge, etc. AI systems can also use materials from thetraditional curriculum to create individual textbooks in certain disciplines.Such systems digitize educational material and create new interfaces to helpstudents in all academic courses. By building customizable applications tosupport learning, AI can adapt educational standards to meet the needs ofstudents according to their knowledge, interests, and abilities.

The creation of individualized experiences using artificial intelligence andmachine learning allows you to tailor learning to the individualcharacteristics of the student, which increases the effectiveness of training.Personalized learning technologies are used to improve the learning process byanalyzing data intelligently and providing personalized information.Personalized learning can also use methods such as games and virtual activitiesto make the learning process more interesting and engaging.
Thus, the innovative American company Ozobot has introduced the OzobotClassroom learning control system. The technology includes a control panel forthe teacher, which integrates the ability to track student learning data. Thisis an additional tool that allows teachers to offer individualized assistancein the educational program of a particular student [].

AI can also be used to analyze and predict student behavior. For example, itcan be used to predict how students will react to different materials:lectures, case studies, interactive exercises. This will allow teachers tounderstand which teaching methods will be most effective for a particular groupof students.
Intelligent learning systems in education are intelligent tools used in thelearning process that allow students to obtain a subjectively personalizededucation. They present an interactive learning environment and supportindividual student needs, as well as provide adaptive and personalized learningprograms that can be customized for each student. An example of the applicationof such technology is the Indian company Interview Bit, which uses AIcapabilities to customize personalized learning paths for students []. In theScaler Academy entrance test, the entire duration of the exam is tracked andrecorded, and after solving the tasks, the tests are run through tools thatcheck for anti-plagiarism and track the semantic flow of solutions. Thesesystems also allow for extensive knowledge diagnostics, tracking learning andperformance progress, providing instant feedback, offering recommendations andeffective strategies to achieve the best results.

For example, a special educational platform at the University of New SouthWales is used to accompany students throughout their studies []. In fact, it isa hybrid of a group chat and a chatbot where students can find materials andget advice. This solves the problem of round-the-clock information andincreasing students' motivation to learn.
The challenges faced by the modern education system, such as distance or hybridlearning, including exams, require additional ways and tools to controleducational activities. Thus, Indian companies Mercer Mettl [] and LittlemoreInnovation [] provide solutions for digital exams using AI and machinelearning. Thanks to this technology, more than 80,000 students have alreadysuccessfully passed entrance exams in the online format.
AI is used not only for assessment and control, but also for predictingdefaults on educational loans: the Arizona State University's Shaping Eduproject helps banks and the government predict debts on loans taken foreducation []. The AI model can find a suitable solution to avoid loan defaultfor the payer.

Like any technology, AI also has disadvantages that need to be taken intoaccount when applied in the educational environment:
1. Insufficient development of the technology. Despite the active developmentof AI, its application in higher education institutions remains a relativelynew area, which creates risks of failure and error.
2. Lack of personal contact. One of the main disadvantages of using AI in theeducational environment is indirect contact with other participants ineducational activities.  Education includes not only the transfer ofinformation but also the development of interpersonal skills, creativethinking, and emotional intelligence, which requires interaction with teachersand other students.
3. Limitations of AI in the curriculum. AI can cope with standard problems, butwhen working with more complex information, for example, in the field ofartistic creativity or ethics, it is unable to comprehensively solve theproblem.
4. Limitation of creativity and flexibility of systems. Artificial intelligenceworks on the basis of algorithms and predefined rules, which can limit itsability to adapt to unforeseen situations or offer new approaches to solvingproblems.
5. Algorithmic discrimination. Another disadvantage of using AI systems ineducation is the possibility of algorithmic discrimination. AI systems can bedesigned to use biased data or algorithms, which will lead to discriminationagainst students.
6. Loss of competencies. The use of AI in education can also lead to the lossof some competencies. such as social and emotional competencies if AI systemsare used for independent decision-making.
Thus, the use of artificial intelligence in education has its advantages anddisadvantages. Still, there is no denying the fact that the use of AI ineducation is a real breakthrough and can significantly improve the learningprocess and the quality of education and make it more accessible to all throughthe competent use of its systems. It is important that the use of AI ineducation is implemented for the benefit of students, teachers, and society asa whole.

III. Conclusions
Summarizing the above, it can be noted that the introduction of digitaltechnologies and artificial intelligence in the educational sphere opens upbroad prospects for improving the educational process and education management.The use of intelligent learning systems and adaptive technologies allows forpersonalized learning based on the individual characteristics of each student,which contributes to more effective training. It is also important to note thatdigital tools help solve modern challenges, such as distance learning anddigital exams, providing reliable and innovative solutions for the educationsector. Thus, the transition to digital education defines a new stage in thedevelopment of educational practices, but it is also necessary to take intoaccount the disadvantages that arise in the process of using AI. The bestbalance between the traditional approach to learning and the use of the latestlearning technologies should be found to facilitate successful and productivelearning.


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